The crowd has spoken

James Brady - OMS
I learned about LoupeCam from a surgical colleague of mine. I tried out his LoupeCam and associcated headlight and was amazed at the quality. I decided to purchase it for creating intraoperative instructional videos as I am highly involved in resident teaching. I use it for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery procedures which are notoriously hard to visualize even for the first assistant let alone young learners at the foot of the OR table. Read more

Excellent company, excellent product
Dr. Stephen R. John - Periodontist
I have been using LoupeCam now for about 2-3 years. My camera is hard wired to a laptop that sits on a stand on the counter behind me. The stand frees up the counter space. My LoupeCam is on for every surgery. If my assistant is now able to see where I am working. She can look at the 'real time' video display and adjust her positioning. This makes us more efficient. Read more

I have been using loupeCam routinely
Dr. David Bichell - Pediatric Cardiac Surgeon
I have been using loupeCam routinely for years to broadcast live and to record complex open heart surgery in infants. It has produced high quality 4x images for educational videos. Additionally, still photos from loupeCam recordings are a routine part of my operative reports, residing in the permanent record as documentation of the procedure in detail far more informative than the print description of the procedure.

The LoupeCam® is a work of technical genius
A. Wadhwani - Free Lance Videographer
The LoupeCam® is a work of technical genius. As a professional videography for the health care industry, the LoupeCam is my primary resource for capturing surgical video. The field of view, focal length, operating distance, exposure, and optics are optimized for surgery and it incredibly simple to use.”